In Mark 14:34, we read these words: "And he said to them, 'I am deeply grieved, even to death.'" We see in these words and in the preceding words in verse 33 that Jesus was fully human. Jesus dealt with every human emotion...distress, agony, agitation, can add to the list.
What human emotions are you experiencing right now? Sometimes we feel that our faith is weak or strong based on how we feel or on the emotions we are experiencing at any given time. However, the Christian faith is not based on feeling and emotion. In other words, our faith isn't strong when we feel good and weak when we feel bad. Emotions are human feelings we all experience, but faith is a choice to follow Christ and trust in His grace even when we feel weak, sad, agitated, distressed, etc.
Talk to God about the emotions you are dealing with this week. Ask God for the grace to handle those emotions with a positive attitude and to strengthen your faith.