Friday, August 03, 2007

Sermon For Sunday, August 5, 2007

James: Life As It Intersects Faith: Part One: Religion That Is Pure

James 1

I. Ryan Malcom – one of the coolest kids I’ve ever met.

A. Great taste in music, clothes, sports, and girls.

B. Joy despite hardship.

C. His religion is pure…based on works of love.

II. Ryan epitomizes James One, and James One epitomizes life.

A. Out of the gate, he speaks of hardship, money, and


B. James is trying to define a life and faith that is

acceptable to God to a church that is plagued by the clash

of culture and religion.

III. What makes religion acceptable?

A. Vs. 27 – to look after orphans and widows.

1. Who do orphans and widows represent?

2. Who are the orphans and widows in our community?

3. Vs. 22-24 – “Doing” the word.

B. Vs. 27 – to keep from pollution.

1. Vs. 21 – What is the moral filth of our time?

2. The things that cannot save us are often what we are

striving so hard to attain in our culture.

Responding to God’s Word: Let us “do” what the word says.

Next Week: Read James 2. Memorize verse 26.

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