Thursday, April 05, 2007

Nearing the End of Lent

What a busy week it is this Holy Week. We had Lenten Lunches Monday through Wednesday at Noon. This morning, I went to two local radio stations in Calhoun - WEBS (1030 AM) and WJTH (900 AM) to talk about community Easter activities. Tonight, we will show The Passion of the Christ in the Christian Activities Center. Tomorrow, we will gather at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church for Good Friday worship. On Saturday, we will have our annual Easter Egg Hunt. And then....Easter...finally...the celebration we've been waiting for...with a Sunrise Service at 7:00 a.m. in the Chandler Cemetery and three morning worship services.

Yesterday during our Lenten Luncheon devotional, the Rev. Charles Gardner (Associate Pastor at Peachtree Road UMC in Atlanta) spoke about simplicity. I needed to hear his message during this busy season. The meals, the fasting, the prayers, the devotions, the Bible Studies, the movies, and everything associated with Lent all lead to one conclusion and one celebration - Jesus Christ gave His life on the cross for every human being and after dying, God raised Him from the dead. That's it. That's the life changing message we need not forget. Christ needs to be at the center of our hearts and lives this Easter.

I encourage you to take some time today for prayerfully listen to God. Read Scripture, turn off the noise, sit quietly, and center yourself on Christ.

May His grace and resurrection power transform each one of us!

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