If you should stumble upon this humble blog, I have a request of you. Send me an e-mail. Through the genius of cyberspace, let me know you've read this blog or seen this blog. "Why take the time?", you might ask. If for no other reason, teach this preacher a lesson about relevance.
Well over a year ago, I started writing this blog. It was the "hip" thing to do...a way to communicate with people who I might never be able to communicate with otherwise. I wrote and I wrote, much the same as I write and write for sermons, weekly church newsletters, classes, etc. But like my old-school, snail-mail newsletter, I felt that my blog was going in the trash before it ever touched the conscious mind of any reader. Thus, the last time I posted anything on this blog was back in September of last year.
You may be a church member from Calhoun, Georgia who clicked on this blog wondering if I had actually updated it. You may be reading this from somewhere across the country or across the world. Whoever you are and for whatever reason you are reading, I dare you, send me an e-mail and teach me a lesson about relevance.
Is the internet a means for me to communicate what I believe so strongly to be relevant and life-changing? Is it in-fact a way to communicate with people I might otherwise never meet or see? I am convinced that preachers like me need to communicate an already relevant message in more relevant ways, and I am just wondering if this is relevant.
One of my favorite verses of Scripture is Psalm 4:6. The writer says, "There are many who say, 'O that we might see some good! Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord!'" I want to show the world "some good" and point to where I believe "good" resides. To me, that is what matters. Is this blog a way to share some good? Does this blog matter? Go ahead, I dare you, send me an e-mail or at the very least, write a comment.
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