For today's devotion, read again the passage in Mark 14:12-25. You can read this passage and look also at my sermon outline for last Sunday by looking at my previous posted message for February 21, 2007.
As you read today's passage, look specifically at verses 17 through 21. In these verses, Jesus tells the twelve disciples, "one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me (vs. 18)." Although Mark does not tell us who this disciple is, we know him to be Judas Iscariot.
As we consider Judas' betrayal, let us not be too quick to condemn Judas. Like the other eleven disciples, we often think "surely, not I (vs. 19)" and believe that we are incapable of betraying Jesus. But let us consider how we betray Jesus in small ways...perhaps by choosing our own way instead of Jesus' way...perhaps through selfish indulgence instead of self-giving denial.
After reading verses 17 through 21, ask the Lord's forgiveness for the ways you have betrayed Him and invite the Holy Spirit to reveal God's loving presence with you as you work through this day. Also, reflect on how you met Jesus yesterday before, during, and after receiving Holy Communion. Have a blessed week!