Worship That Pleases God
Exodus 35:20-35
What makes the church the church?
A. Our confession of Jesus Christ. Matthew 16:15-18
B. Our worship of the living Lord. Matthew 28:18-20
1. The church is a worshipping community.
2. The Confirmation Class and their retreat.
C. God's people have always been a worshipping people.
1. The latter part of Exodus and the early portion
of Leviticus are all about worship.
2. They worshipped in a tent in the wilderness.
a. It's not about the building.
b. Natalie's comment on church.
c. My coach's comment on where we could play football.
D. What does God teach the Israelites about worship that can help us in our worship?
E. How do we worship in a way that pleases God?
II. We worship God with a willing heart. Exodus 35:21-22, 26, 29
A. What God desires is our willingness...
B. ...willingness to offer ourselves to God.
C. Leviticus 7:37 - worship is what we offer God because of who
God is.
D. Romans 12:1
1. Come to worship to offer what you have.
2. Worship is not a spectator sport.
3. My middle school dance.
4. For Barnabas, it was encouragement. Acts 11:22-24
III. We worship God in the power of the Holy Spirit. Exodus 35:30-33
A. Worship comes from a transformed heart attuned to God.
B. Through the Spirit, we worship with our "eyes" fixed on Jesus.
IV. The stages of worship in my life: endurance/survival, back row fellowship, peeked interest, excitement, preaching/leadership, gratitude and praise from deep within.
A. What stage of worship are you in?
B. What stage of worship are we in?
C. Worship is the greatest privilege of our lives.
Responding to God's Word: worship the Father in spirit and truth. (John 4:23)